Is it appropriate to use perfumes on dogs?

Is it a good idea to apply perfumes to dogs? Generally speaking, there is lack of awareness about these kinds of products. A lot of people are reticent about using them, but they can be a key part of our furry friends’ hygiene. In this article, we will attempt to dispel all your doubts about them. Don’t miss it!

Perfume for dogs: yes or no?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can use perfume on your dog. However, you should remember that smell is one of our four-legged friend’s most developed senses. Did you know that their ability to smell is a million times sharper than ours? For that reason, too many aromas may cause your animal to feel stressed.

Also, the smell that they naturally emit is a means to socialize. As such, having a different smell may not be very pleasant for them or for other dogs that interact with them.

Leaving these considerations to one side, dog perfumes certainly have some benefits that it’s worth knowing about:

  • They can act as a substitute for a bath when we don’t have time. There are times when our pet is not smelling the sweetest, but we don’t have sufficient time to bathe them properly. In these circumstances, these products can become great allies. Artero Fresh perfume is an excellent option to keep your furry friend fresh until it’s time for their next bath.
  • It makes living with them easier. Unpleasant odors have a negative impact on the comfort of your home. In this case, using a perfume is a good way to prevent unpleasant situations.

Tips on how to use this product correctly

As we said above, you can use perfume on your dog. However, with such a delicate sense of smell, you do need to bear in mind certain aspects to ensure your four-legged friend’s wellbeing.

1. Choose specific products

It is very important that you use items that are designed specifically for this purpose. You mustn’t just use anything, especially if it’s something for humans. After all, dog perfumes, like the Artero perfume range, are manufactured specifically to respect a dog’s skin structure, essential to ensuring their health and wellbeing.

2. Age-appropriate

Just as you adapt food to each stage of a dog’s development, you need to do the same thing with this kind of product. If it’s a puppy, go for ones that are made for that age range. Perfumes for puppies are designed to adapt to their needs. The aromas are more subtle so as not to interfere with the development of their sense of smell.

3. Use with moderation

Perfume needs to be something for one-off occasions in our dog’s routine. Also, it’s best to administer it in moderate amounts in each application. Essentially, just a few drops is enough. Select strategic areas so as not to spray it all over - areas that usually emit a more intense smell. For example, behind their ears and at the base of the tail.

4. Observe their behavior

The way they behave after you apply the perfume will give you a lot of information, so don’t hesitate to analyze them. If you detect any different behavior on their walks or when they are in contact with other animals, you may have used too much perfume

In the same way, a clear indication that they are not comfortable and they want to get that strange smell off their body is if they start to roll around on the ground and rub against things after it has been applied. Be aware of this and learn for next time.

5. Go to the vet

Lastly, you need to consider the fact that your dog’s bad smell could be due to medical reasons. When the skin is affected by fungal or bacterial diseases, un unpleasant smell is normal. Similarly, there are certain metabolic disorders that affect an animal’s body odor. It’s for this reason that you need to be aware of these kinds of problems.

If the smell becomes unbearable or you have a feeling that something isn’t right, our advice is that you see the vet. A vet will be able to do the relevant examination to determine what the cause of the smell is.

Do not use perfumes if you suspect that the bad odor is due to a condition. In these circumstances, there is a high risk that the product will irritate their skin and end up aggravating the problem.

As you can see, perfumes for dogs are great allies when it comes to spacing out bath-times and preventing bad odors. But, to guarantee your best friend’s comfort, follow our recommendations. Visit our online store to get this and other hygiene products for dogs!