Griffon De BruselasGriffon De Bruselas

Cares for the Brussels Griffon

  • Maintenance: Brushing once a week and monthly bathing is recommended.
    Haircut: Breed specific grooming is with the stripping technique all over the body, in commercial grooming with machine cut and scissors. The legs are left in the form of columns, a tuft on the muzzle in the form of a beard.
    Recommended grooming appointments: once a month bathing and every 8 weeks grooming.
    Special attention:  Avoid infections in the wrinkles near the eyes (use Pretty Eyes and Dips Eyes).

How is the Brussels Griffon?

The Brussels Griffon is a small, energetic breed of dog, known for its playfulness and intelligence. With its thick, silky coat, this dog is attractive and distinctive. They are very active and loyal dogs, and enjoy human companionship. Despite its small size, the Brussels Griffon is a very curious and adventurous dog, and needs plenty of exercise and activity to keep it happy and healthy. With proper nutrition and effective training, this dog can be a loyal and fun companion for any family. The Brussels Griffon is an excellent choice for those looking for a small, energetic dog with a unique and cute personality.

Griffon De BruselasGriffon De Bruselas


Monthly bathing is recommended.


Breed specific grooming is by stripping all over the body, in commercial grooming with machine and scissor cut. The legs are left in the form of columns, a tuft on the muzzle in the form of a beard.


Special attention: Avoid infections in the wrinkles near the eyes (use Pretty Eyes and Dips Eyes).

Brushing and Combing

Brushing once a week is recommended