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June 28, 2024
In a world where sustainability and animal welfare are increasingly important, Artero, a leader in pet care, has taken significant steps to align itself with these values.
June 07, 2024
Learn easy tips to manage dog shedding and keep your home hair-free. Discover the best tools and techniques for caring for your furry friend's coat!
January 26, 2024
El paseo con tu perro es un momento sagrado para ambos. En este artículo te contamos todo lo que debes saber para hacer esta actividad más placentera
August 11, 2023
In this article we explain why your dog may get a dry nose and we also give you some recommendations on how to prevent this from happening.
August 10, 2023
Dog molting is an unavoidable process, but you can make it more tolerable by using our tips. Visit our blog!
August 10, 2023
Taking your dog for a walk is really important for both of you. This article gives you a rundown on everything you need to know to make this more enjoyable
August 09, 2023
Cat hygiene is a responsibility that also falls to their owners. Even though they are very independent, with Artero you can improve these procedures
August 01, 2023
At Artero, we’ve come up with ten amazing tricks to make training your dog easier, more reliable and faster. Learning will come naturally
July 20, 2023
Spring is the perfect time to start doing more activities with your dog. Find out how the change of season affects your dog and other interesting information
July 14, 2023
Dog shedding is a natural and ongoing process. In this post, we give a rundown of the causes and some tips to support the shedding process