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Cares for the Spanish Water Dog

  • Maintenance: In curl: Weekly brushing and monthly bathing recommended. In cord: Monthly bathing.
  • Haircut: Curly: Originally sheared once a year, nowadays it is cut to the correct shape for the breed and a length that respects the formation of the curl. The head is the longest part. In the cord: The cords should be separated and defined and the ends cut to the correct shape.
  • Recommended hairdressing appointments: Once a month bathing and every 2 months Cutting.
  •  Special attention: In corded dogs do not leave coat damp so that they do not catch cold.

How is the Spanish Water Dog?

The Spanish Water Shepherd is a breed of dog known for its intelligence, gentleness and loyalty. These dogs are naturally friendly and loving to their human family, which makes them excellent companions for home living. They are very active dogs and need plenty of exercise to keep them healthy and happy, making them ideal for active owners. In addition, the Spanish Water Spaniel is a very intelligent and easy to train dog, which makes them ideal for people looking for a companion that is easy to control and train. Overall, the Spanish Water Spaniel is a wonderful breed that will delight any dog lover and will provide a loyal and affectionate companion for many years to come.

Perro De Aguas EspañolPerro De Aguas Español


A monthly bath is recommended


 Curl: Originally sheared once a year, nowadays it is cut to the correct shape for the breed and a length that respects the formation of the curl. The head is the longest part. In the cord: The cords must be separated and defined and the ends cut to the correct shape.


Products for the complete hygiene of the Spanish Water Dog

Brushing and combing

Weekly brushing in curl is recommended.